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pH & ORP Sensors

pH & ORP Sensors
Hach offers a wide variety of process pH and ORP sensors to meet your application needs. The differential sensors use an innovative, unique electrode technology which results in greater accuracy, less drift, and less frequent calibration. The LCP sensors are designed to meet more rigorous industrial applications. And for those users on a budget, Hach offers a low cost line of Combination pH/ORP sensors.
View all pH and ORP sensors below.
8362 sc High Purity Sensors

Plug & Play design
For low conductivity, high
purity eg. Power

Analog Differential pH Sensors

Analog differential pH

Combination pH/ORP Sensors

Low cost sensor
Combination technology
3/4” NPT thread

Differential ORP Sensors

Differential technology
Accurate, reliable
Wide range of uses

Digital Differential pH Sensors

Differential technology
Plug & Play design
1” NPT thread

LCP ORP Sensors

Differential ORP
Industrial Applications
1.5” NPT thread

LCP pH Sensors

Encapsulated analog pH sensor