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Benchtop Instruments

Hach Benchtop Laboratory Instruments - Reliable, Accurate Measurements

Operating in a laboratory environment? Hach’s user-friendly benchtop lab instruments provide reliable, accurate measurements time after time.

Many of our instruments come with pre-programmed methods for water analysis, making the measurement of many parameters like ammonium, chlorine, chloride, COD, phosphate, nitrate, nitrogen and many others simple to perform.

Trust the experts at Hach® to provide you with a reliable, accurate solution to your water analysis needs!

DR6000 UV VIS Spectrophotometer with RFID Technology

DR6000 UV VIS Spectrophotometer with RFID Technology

The industry’s most advanced lab spectrophotometer. The DR6000 offers high-speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum, and comes with over 250 pre-programmed testing methods to handle your wide-ranging water testing needs.

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With over 85 years of innovating spectrophometry technology, Hach offers leading spectrophotometers for the water analysis market.

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Providing accurate, reliable results that give you the confidence you expect from your turbidity measurements.

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Explore More Solutions

Benchtop Meters & Probes

Benchtop Meters & Probes

Designed for water quality experts, Hach’s meters and probes take the guesswork out of your measurements.

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Digital Reactors

Digital Reactors

Designed to save time and ensure accuracy for all your testing needs.

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Titration Systems

Titration Systems

Choose Hach titration systems for accurate concentration analysis.

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TOC Analyzers

TOC Analyzers

Hach’s TOC analyzers provide a highly sensitive, non-specific measurement that determines the level of organic carbon in your water.

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Combine benchtop instruments with Hach chemistries

Combine benchtop instruments with Hach chemistries to ensure the highest possible system performance.

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Watch our Video Series to learn more

DR6000 & DR3900 Lab Spectrophotometers for Water Analysis

TitraLab AT1000 Series (Automatic Titration vs Manual Titration)

Hach TU5 Series Turbidimeters vs. Standard Methods

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