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SL1000 & SL250

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Portable Parallel Analyzers

Water Quality Testing. Dramatically Streamlined.



Why SL250?

The SL1000 PPA performs multiple tests faster.

Accuracy and repeatability at your fingertips
Automatic parameter selection and measurement processes make results consistent and repeatable while using the same trusted chemistries as current Hach methods. Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability between user.

The SL1000 PPA has less variability by utilizing automation and internal temperature control.

Perform your tests faster
With sample prep eliminated, get the results you need faster. You have the ability to perform up to three simultaneous tests.

The SL1000 PPA kit includes everything you need to perform fields tests.

No need to handle chemicals
A single instrument combines colorimetric and probe-based testing in a field kit that requires fewer accessories. All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey. There are no powder pillows or glass vials to handle.


Why SL1000?

The SL1000 PPA performs multiple tests faster.

Perform multiple tests faster
Complete more tests on site, get the results you need faster, allowing you to visit more sites in each shift. Perform up to four colorimetric and two probe-based measurements in parallel 75% faster than with other methods.

The SL1000 PPA has less variability by utilizing automation and internal temperature control.

Less Variability
Automation and internal temperature control make the entire process consistent and repeatable, while applying the same processes as current Hach methods. Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability, even when performed by experienced testers.

The SL1000 PPA kit includes everything you need to perform fields tests.

Less Hassle
A single instrument combines colorimetric and probe-based testing in a field kit that requires fewer bulky accessories. All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey. There are no powder pillows or glass vials to handle.




Chloramination Use Case

Battling Nitrification In South Texas: City of Corpus Christi Water Department

Texas Customers: Do you need help implementing the Nitrification Action Plan (NAP) by Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ)? Use SL1000 PPA to test for NAP.




Upgrade to our advanced portable analyzer




Chemkey™ reagents: trusted chemistries in an improved package


Chemkey reagents execute the same process steps that you have trusted for decades — now delivered in a simple, self-contained package.

No zeroing, no mixing, no shaking, no chemicals or vials to handle.




Colorimetric Chemkey Tests

Up to four tested simultaneously, using Chemkey reagents

  • Total Chlorine* EPA Approved
  • Free Chlorine* EPA Approved
  • Copper* EPA Approved
  • Total Ammonia
  • Free Ammonia
  • Combined Free and Total Ammonia**
  • Monochloramine
  • Nitrite
  • High Range Total Alkalinity
  • Low Range Total Alkalinity
  • Low Range Hardness
  • High Range Hardness
  • Low Range Orthophosphate
  • High Range Orthophosphate
  • Dissolved Iron
  • Peracetic Acid
SL1000 PPA uses Chemkey reagents that execute tests without zeroing, mixing, shaking, chemicals, or vials.


The SL1000 PPA uses Hach IntelliCal Probes, a broad selection of smart probes to meet your most demanding laboratory and field applications.

Probe-based Testing

Up to two simultaneous tests, using Hach IntelliCAL™ probes

  • pH
  • Conductivity
  • Salinity***
  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • Nitrate
  • Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
  • Fluoride (Temperature included with each probe)

*EPA approved for Free and Total Chlorine. Hach Company Method 10260. EPA approved for Copper. Hach Company Method 10272. USEPA approved for determination of free and total chlorine and copper in drinking water.
**Read two separate results on one Chemkey
***Using the Conductivity Probe



Bundle Options

The full SL1000 PPA kit includes everything you need to get started with chloramination testing.

Full SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer™ (PPA) Kit

Everything you need to get started with chloramination testing.


The nitrification SL1000 PPA kit includes everything you need to get started with chloramination testing, including a nitrification probe.

Full SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) Nitrification Kit

Everything for chloramination testing, plus a nitrate probe


The SL1000 PPA PhotonMaster kit includes everything you need to get started with chloramination testing, plus the LuminUltra microbial field testing kit.

SL1000 & PhotonMaster Kit

Everything from the Full SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) bundle, plus LuminUltra’s microbial field testing solutions.