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New: FX620 Sample Filtration System, rough samples, 10 m heated hose, 115 VAC

FX620 Sample Filtration System, rough samples, 10 m heated hose, 115 VAC
Product #: LXV464.97.22021
Unit Price Contact Hach


Altitude: 2000 m maximum
Ambient Temperature: -20 - 45 °C
Application: Aeration basin or the effluent drain
Certifications: CE, UKCA, CMIM, FCC, ISED, certified to UL and CSA safety standards by TÜV
Delivery Height: 3 m (water surface to pump)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 424 mm x 408 mm x 86 mm
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor or outdoor use
Maintenance Requirements: Approximately 30 minutes/3 months in standard municipal wastewater aeration basin applications
pH Range: 5 - 9 pH
Pollution Degree: 2
Pore Size: < 0.45 µm (filter module)
Power Consumption: 140 W for 10 minutes maximum
Power requirements (Hz): 60 Hz
Power Requirements (Voltage): 115 V AC
Power supply: Power is supplied by the NH6000sc analyser
Sample Flow Rate: 3 m/s flow speed
Sample Temperature: 4 - 40 °C in basin
Sample Volume: Delivers a sample volume of ~1 L/h
Warranty: 12 months
Weight: 3.5 kg with filter module