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MEL/MF Total Coliform Laboratory

MEL/MF Total Coliform Laboratory
Product #: 2569700
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Perfect for field or lab analysis

Contains all equipment and accessories necessary to perform microbiological analysis.

What's included?

Includes Portable Incubator and rack, Thermometer, Whirlpak bags with thiosulfate (200), Filter funnel/pad assemblies (200), alcohol burner (order alcohol separately), vacuum filtration apparatus, colony counter, magnifier and permanent marker.


Number of tests: 200
Parameter: Total coliforms and E. coli
Sensitivity: 1
What's included?: Includes Portable Incubator and rack, Thermometer, Whirlpak bags with thiosulfate (200), Filter funnel/pad assemblies (200), alcohol burner (order alcohol separately), vacuum filtration apparatus, colony counter, magnifier and permanent marker.