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Pocket Testers

Pocket Testers
Pocket Pro and Pocket Pro+ Testers measure electrochemical parameters in a broad range of water applications. The family of 12 pocket meters offers convenient portable solutions for pH, ORP, conductivity, TDS, salinity, and temperature, delivering accurate results you can be confident in. The Hach Pocket Pro+ Testers take the value a step further with replaceable sensors, powerful backlight, and multi-parameter tester options. The Hach Pocket Testers are engineered to deliver accurate results, backed up with built in performance diagnostics, you never have to guess when to clean or calibrate the sensor. Each tester is equipped with replaceable batteries for convenient field use, and a large, easy-to-read LCD screen.
The Pocket Pro and Pocket Pro+ Testers are ideal for pool water testing measuring pH, ORP, Conductivity, TDS & Temperature. The handy pocket meters are also perfect in field use for testing industrial wastewater, drinking water, and food & beverage products.

Optional Accessories